Case Studies

Advanced Search Desktop Tool for Industry Pros

The Advanced Search Tool is a premium feature within IMDbPro, designed for entertainment industry professionals seeking new projects and connections. With enhanced search capabilities, subscribers can easily find relevant information and stay connected in the industry.




Empowered Health Australia

Empowered Health is a groundbreaking platform that connects service providers with participants seeking assistance with their medical conditions.

Empowered Health Australia


Card sorting and Whiteboard Exercise

IMDbPro Homepage Redesign

IMDbPro is a subscription-based service provided by IMDb, specifically catering to professionals in the entertainment industry.

IMDb Professional Services


Throughout the development of the project, we organized multiple usability tests with our main user group, which made up 85% of our scenarios, in order to better understand their expectations and desires at various stages of the design. Each of these tests was overseen by a moderator and aided me in identifying areas that required further refinement before initiating the development phase.

During the thorough exploration of revamping the homepage, I discovered that users expressed a desire for content that catered to their individual interests. This discovery paved the way for me to conceive a Tracking system, which enables our members to demonstrate their keenness towards people and Titles that genuinely matter to them. By utilizing user interest as the central information source for the homepage content, I created a notification system that enabled users to track individual pages and quickly receive updates. The impressive result was a 72% increase in KPIs and a weekly average of 160% increase in DAUs.

Encrease user engagement

IMDb Charts & Lists Redesign

As the lead designer in charge of redesigning multiple sections of IMDb, I am accountable for 35+ pages of content. The verticals I am modernizing include Search and Discovery, Global Charts, Lists, Watchlists, Box Office, and more.

Fabric Procurement App

The fabric industry is a very competitive industry with chaotic business practices that often leave those in the process uninformed and out of the loop.





Outdoor Trail Community App

A digital community for hikers to find and share trails with each other.

Switchback App


Mobile Wallet & Loyalty Program

TapItWallet that enabled users to make retail purchases using their phones when paired with a loyalty program and a coupon service. In that time there weren't any Apple, Google or crowds of other digital wallets.



Voice messaging App

Well before it's time Sprokk sought to introduce a new type of social media platform to the world centered around voice.


Create a better sense of social connection with voice