Card sorting and Whiteboard Exercise

IMDbPro Homepage Redesign

IMDbPro is a subscription-based service provided by IMDb, specifically catering to professionals in the entertainment industry.



Problem 1: The previous version of IMDbPro's homepage lacked relevancy and failed to cater to individual members' interests, resulting in a non-habit-forming environment with high bounce rates and less time spent on the page.

Problem 2: Networking is generally a challenge for professionals in the industry, and unfortunately, the page was not helpful in keeping them engaged.

Insights: During the insights gathering phase, I employed various research methods and techniques to uncover valuable details from the perspective of our members. To comprehend their tendencies and actions, I made it a priority to analyze page statistics initially, which allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of user behaviors and preferences.

In addition to analyzing page statistics, I actively participated in contextual inquiries and ethnographic studies. By engaging with diverse paid members who represented all user-base personas, I gained firsthand knowledge of their needs, motivations, and pain points. This immersive approach enabled me to gather rich qualitative data and obtain a comprehensive view of their experience.

Through these research methods, I was able to collect valuable insights that informed my design decisions and helped me create user-centered solutions. The combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative observations allowed me to gain a holistic understanding of the user base and ensure that the final design addressed their specific needs effectively.

Our findings revealed that although the homepage had the highest amount of page traffic, it also had the highest bounce rate. Furthermore, although movie Box Office data was given priority space above the page fold, it was the news and production updates that garnered the highest audience engagement and interest despite being at the bottom of the page, below the fold.



Creating a centralized source of up-to-date information for each member was crucial to facilitate the construction of features that fostered engagement and relevance. This led me to establish a collection of four uncomplicated principles of design.

(1) Every member required a centralized point of entry to gain access to real-time data, (2) the page had to provide an overarching perspective with detailed analysis capabilities, (3) user interaction should be fostered on the page, and (4) the page design should be adaptable and component-based to allow for variation in testing scenarios.

As an outcome of this effort, a brand-new feature was established on the platform- experts in the industry could now monitor each other's career progression. This was pivotal for us as it provided a centralized access point, empowering us to make the homepage more personalized.


Ideation & Design

I generated a series of theories to assess during the ideation phase:

(1) Enhancing the homepage with bespoke and continuously evolving content could improve KPIs by a substantial margin. (2) Customizing individual modules to tailor content for each user would be a viable approach to bolstering KPIs. (3) Drawing attention to the most updated data on IMDbPro is a surefire way to boost DAUs. (4) Optimizing the news module to generate more articles could increase engagement parameters. (5) Incorporating customized data relevant to each member may prompt more frequent updates by said members, leading to an improvement in DAUs.

I began the process of exploring layout options by examining my sketches on the whiteboard. As I progressed, I transitioned to using wireframe prototypes to assess the balance of information in greater depth.



Throughout the development of the project, we organized multiple usability tests with our main user group, which made up 85% of our scenarios, in order to better understand their expectations and desires at various stages of the design. Each of these tests was overseen by a moderator and aided me in identifying areas that required further refinement before initiating the development phase.



During the thorough exploration of revamping the homepage, I discovered that users expressed a desire for content that catered to their individual interests. This discovery paved the way for me to conceive a Tracking system, which enables our members to demonstrate their keenness towards people and Titles that genuinely matter to them. By utilizing user interest as the central information source for the homepage content, I created a notification system that enabled users to track individual pages and quickly receive updates. The impressive result was a 72% increase in KPIs and a weekly average of 160% increase in DAUs.


IMDb Professional Services

Date Range



User Expierience Design


UX Lead


Encrease user engagement

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Creating a good user experience is not about computers or technology. It's about users (people) and following the proper process to achieve a good UX.


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